Based on the internationally best-selling books by Ian Rankin with more than 30 million copies sold, the books have topped the Sunday Times and New York Times’ bestseller lists thrilling a huge fan base in the UK, US, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Turkey and Finland.

Detective John Rebus played by Richard Rankin

Rebus understands the difference between the law and the rules. The law is made up, but the rules are real. The rules are what is true. Since Rebus snapped and tried to kill a gangster Ger Cafferty in retaliation for an attack that left George, his colleague and mentor paralysed, Rebus’s job hangs by a thread, and he’s forced to endure ‘career analysis’ sessions with a glorified shrink.

Rebus's home-life is complicated. His ex-wife Rhona is remarried to an investment funds manager and his daughter on the cusp of being a teenager is now living a privileged existence, which Rebus could only ever dream of providing. Rebus and his older brother Michael, a former soldier like Rebus have not always seen eye to eye and resentments remain between them with Michael living back in Fife where they grew up.

Over the course of the series, Rebus will journey from the law to 'the rules' and back again – rebuilding his code of morality from the ground up. Because everywhere he looks, the rule of law is in retreat. And John Rebus never does what everybody else is doing. He’s contrary. He’s awkward. He’s Scottish.

Richard Rankin says“He’s at a point where he is struggling with this self-discipline, and we find Rebus coming off the back of a dark period in his life. He is a man that knows if he pushes enough, he’s going to be able to get a reaction, and he’s got to be able to deal with it. He looks like he might snap at any point. I think this new version will be refreshing for fans of the books.

As soon as I read the script, the way the script immediately kicks off, the unpredictability of this guy, the danger. The opening scenes of the script sold the show to me – I had an idea of where it was going to go – it feels much more of a character driven drama than a procedural show, and it feels very unique, which is why I fell in love with it”.

Richard Rankin stars in OUTLANDER for STARZ as Roger Wakefield having previously featured in thrillers TRUST ME and THE REPLACEMENT as well as drama series THIRTEEN, THE SYNDICATE and FROM DARKNESS. In the US, Richard guest-starred in political thriller AMERICAN ODYSSEY.

Sir Ian Rankin

Ian Rankin says - “The show is a really physical piece of work and has got a very strong series of interconnected storylines, it’s 6 hours, so it’s a big chunk of storytelling. There is some great acting there, some fantastic scenes, some great shock moments, and Edinburgh in the background throughout. It’s almost a parallel universe of a young Rebus in a contemporary time. It harks back to macho crime stories we grew up with but has all the modernity you could ask for”.

Ian Rankin (no relation to Richard Rankin!) is the internationally bestselling author of the Inspector Rebus and Detective Malcolm Fox novels, as well as a string of standalone thrillers. His books have been translated into thirty-six languages and are bestsellers on several continents. Ian Rankin is the recipient of four CWA Dagger Awards and in 2004 won America’s celebrated Edgar Award for Resurrection Men. In 2022, he won the British Book Award for Crime & Thriller Book of the Year, and in the following year, 2023, he was knighted in recognition of his contributions to literature. Rankin serves as an EP on the drama series.

Gregory Burke

Gregory Burke says - “The character of Rebus is not just a Scottish character but he’s a Fifer who works in Edinburgh. We share a similar background – it feels really close to me, the landscape he inhabits etc. I thought, well, I can use this to write about Scotland in the way I want to write about Scotland, about a character with a similar background and upbringing to what I had. That is probably what drew me in the most. One of the great things Ian Rankin said was to do what I want with it. It’s a character who is quite recognizable to me, he makes life as difficult as possible for himself, he has that personality which is drawn to not take the easiest road”.

Gregory Burke is an acclaimed theatre, film and television writer. GAGARIN WAY (Traverse/National Theatre, 2001) which won the Critics' Circle Most Promising Playwright Award and the critically acclaimed, award-winning BLACK WATCH (National Theatre of Scotland, world tour, 2006). Burke moved into film with his screenplay '71 starring Jack O’Connell and directed by Yann Demange. His screenplay for ENTEBBE was directed by José Padilha, and stars Rosamund Pike and Daniel Brühl. Greg has written a limited series for ITVX, SIX FOUR based on the Japanese crime thriller by Hideo Yokoyama.
REBUS reimagines the iconic character John Rebus as a younger Detective Sergeant drawn into a violent criminal conflict that turns personal when his brother Michael, a former soldier, crosses the line into criminality. This epic series explores family, morality and class through an emotionally charged story, set against the Scottish landmarks that Rankin’s readers know so well.
After almost killing Edinburgh gangster, Ger Cafferty, Detective Sergeant John Rebus finds himself at a psychological crossroads. At odds with a job that is increasingly driven by new technology; involved in a toxic affair with the wife of his disabled former police partner; and all but supplanted in his daughter’s life by his ex-wife Rhona’s new wealthy husband, Rebus begins to wonder if he still has a role to play as either a family man or contemporary police officer.

A brazen daylight attack on one of Cafferty’s old enforcers, Jimmy McJagger draws Rebus and rising star Detective Siobhan Clarke, into a dangerous underworld war between Cafferty and his upstart criminal rival Darryl Christie. The situation escalates when Rebus’s, ex-soldier brother Michael crosses a line, so he can provide for his family, robbing two young drug dealers, who are working for Darryl Christie and the theft has dangerous repercussions, as the young dealers are forced to make amends for losing the drug money, finding themselves drawn deeper into the criminal underworld.

Determined to right this wrong forced upon the young drug dealers Michael confronts Darryl, who instead of seeking retribution, strikes a deal with Michael, encouraging him and several members of Michael’s former army regiment to use their military skills to steal a shipment of drugs from Cafferty.

As Rebus edges closer to solving his police investigation by homing in on Darryl Christie’s right-hand man Shaun Strang, Cafferty retaliates and vengeful hitmen hunt Michael and his team. With the violence spiralling out of control and his nemesis Cafferty always one step ahead, Rebus finds himself torn between protecting his brother and enforcing the law to bring Michael to justice.

Detective Constable Siobhan Clarke

Siobhan was fast tracked in the police as a graduate in Social Anthropology – the super smart and socially liberal future of policing. Siobhan is English, and unlike Rebus, she believes that Scotland should be independent. Siobhan knew Rebus would probably resent her, so she often references her degree to torture the shit out of him. However, she knows where she stands with Rebus and she respects his knowledge of the city and his ability to talk to the whole social strata. Detective Constable Siobhan will come to recognise the necessity of stepping outside the lines in the pursuit of justice, putting her own future on the line.

Played by
Lucie Shorthouse

(Line of Duty, We Are Lady Parts, Ten Percent)

Michael Rebus

John Rebus’s older brother, Michael joined the army straight from school, just like Rebus did. Michael joined a Scottish regiment while John joined the English Paras. Since leaving the Military Michael is now struggling to support his family working as a courier, one of the modern working poor. Michael believes in the loyal bond between ex-servicemen. In contrast, Rebus never went to a regimental reunion, or a remembrance service saying that the military covenant is a lie, but Michael knows the truth. In the army, you must play by the rules, and stay loyal to your mates. The police are only loyal to preserving the broken social order.

Played by
Brian Ferguson

(The Ipcress File, Spanish Princess, The Victim)

Rhona Moncrieffe

Rhona is Rebus's ex-wife. Middle class and educated, she always knew that Rebus was unsettled by the difference in their backgrounds but wasn't going to let his insecurities excuse any misbehaviour. She was never going to put up with what the other police wives seemed to accept but kept the split with Rebus amicable for Sammy's sake. Rhona is happy that their daughter is now being brought up without any money worries, but attuned to what is happening in the world around her, she sometimes feels a little guilty and doesn’t want Sammy to grow up spoiled. Happy to have preserved the relationship between Sammy and her father - she still cares about Rebus and wants him to be happy - she is acutely aware that his nature means he is prone to make the wrong decisions. She is vigilant that those decisions will not impact on her daughter.

Played by
Amy Manson

(The Nevers, The Diplomat)

Chrissie Rebus

Vivacious and with a core of steel, Rebus’s sister-in-law Chrissie is a dedicated care-nurse, and sees the state of the nation every day on her home visits. She never thought two working parents would struggle to provide for their children - and it makes her angry. She’s fiercely protective of her family, and proud of her husband. She thinks John and Rhona always made Michael feel second best. When Michael crosses the line into criminality, Chrissie offers support and for the first time perhaps the family could be more secure. She doesn’t care where the money comes from, as long as Michael remains honest with her. But as Michael takes bigger risks, Chrissie must decide how far she is willing to go to support him.

Played by
Neshla Caplan

(The Rig, Scot Squad)

Darryl Christie

Physically imposing and ruthless, Christie operates as a legitimate businessman owning businesses including a bar and a boxing gym. He also controls the drugs trade in Fife. He stays legitimate whilst his employees handle the messy stuff. His father, Derek Christie foolishly took loans from arch-rival Cafferty, and when he couldn’t pay, Cafferty had Derek Christie killed and used his police connections to cover it up as a suicide. Now Darryl has his sights on taking Cafferty down, and also on recruiting Detective Siobhan Clarke.

Played by
Noof Ousellam

(Andor, Hanna, Guilt)

Ger Cafferty

Vicious Edinburgh drug boss and arch-rival to Christie, Cafferty understands Edinburgh’s split personality: Old Town and New Town / Jekyll and Hyde. The formation of Police Scotland has upset the balance and Cafferty has taken advantage. He knows it pays to have the police onside, but the last policeman Cafferty worked with, George Blantyre, cracked under pressure and Cafferty’s retribution left George in a wheelchair. George’s partner Rebus tried to exact revenge but was stopped by the intervention of his boss Gill Templer. Cafferty, a Catholic, has an uneasy alliance with his Protestant partners in crime, and this is stretched to breaking point as Christie’s disruptive attacks become more audacious, ending in bloodshed. To keep the peace, Cafferty will use every resource, including Rebus himself.

Played by
Stuart Bowman

(The Pact, The Serpent)

Detective Inspector Gill Templer

Just like Rebus, Gill came up through the Force when it was still Lothian and Borders. Perhaps because she had a tougher time as female detective in an overtly masculine police force, she has adapted better to the changing landscape that Police Scotland created. She knows how to play politics, whilst still staying loyal to her Major Investigations Team. Although it’s awkward that she now outranks Rebus, she still views him as an equal and they share an easy rapport. She’ll protect Rebus if she can - you must look out for your own - even and especially when they’re their own worst enemy.

Played by
Caroline Lee-Johnson

(Trying, Ridley)

George Blantyre

Rebus’s mentor. George was rendered disabled after a car collision instigated by Cafferty. George and Rebus were in pursuit, and Rebus feels responsible for what happened to George. George was once a legendary character in Lothian and Borders police. He hated the idea of a national Force and tried to continue policing the only way he knew how. He knows his wife, Maggie is having an affair, but wants what’s best for her. Emasculated by his disability, George lives for the stories Rebus can tell him about the city and the crime and the life he’s been forced to leave behind.

Played by
Sean Buchanan

(Censor, Mary Queen of Scots)

Detective Inspector Malcolm Fox

Works for the Professional Standards Unit (PSU) investigating allegations of police misconduct. Fox is disliked and mistrusted by the other officers but doesn’t care. He thought the days of police officers acting like enforcers were in the past, but then an allegation that Rebus tried to murder a suspect landed on his desk. No charges were brought, but the matter still needles Malcolm, particularly when Siobhan Clarke, with whom he’s having an affair, gets partnered with Rebus. Honest and pragmatic, Malcolm doesn’t want to see her throw away a promising career following in the footsteps of an officer he believes is one bad day away from becoming a criminal himself.

Played by
Thoren Ferguson

(Emmerdale, The Midwich, Cuckoos)

Maggie Blantyre

Married to George and having an illicit affair with Rebus. It’s difficult for her. It isn’t just a mid-life crisis, but in reality, the prospect of her future, sitting in a suburban semi, wiping the arse of a shell of a man for the rest of her life. She needs somebody. An outlet, something, or she is going to go mad. Rebus feels guilt about George and to her shame Maggie exploits that to continue the affair. It’s all she has.

Played by
Michelle Duncan

(Baptiste, Elizabeth is Missing)

On duty, Rebus loses control, and attempts to kill gangster Ger Cafferty in retaliation for a brutal attack on Rebus’s partner, George, which leaves him disabled. Detective Sergeant John Rebus must now toe the line as there won’t be any more chances.

Six months later, Rebus’s relationship with his daughter Sammy is strained, as she and her mother Rhona settle into a wealthier lifestyle with Lockie, Rhona’s new husband. On a weekend father and daughter excursion, Rebus and Sammy visit his older brother Michael, now living back in Fife, the place where he and Rebus were born; it’s a world away from Sammy’s new comfortable life.

Michael and his family are struggling since he left the military. Michael comments that the flat opposite is dealing drugs, but Rebus shrugs it off. The brothers start to argue and the family gathering ends with Rebus punching Michael. Sammy is outraged by her father’s behaviour, Chrissie yells at him to leave and Rhona isn’t too happy either.

Driven to reassert control over his life, Michael takes a gun he kept from his tour in Afghanistan - and robs the drug dealers opposite. Rebus breaks orders and meets with Cafferty who asks Rebus to take down a criminal rival Darryl Christie, Rebus refuses, but Cafferty reminds him that he knows about an affair that Rebus is having with Maggie.
Rebus must undertake ‘career analysis’ sessions as part of the rehabilitation programme he was formally instructed to attend by his superiors. During a session, Rebus contemplates if both the job and his family would be better off without him.

In the flat opposite Michael’s house, drug dealers, Jack and Kai, are interrogated by Darryl Christie’s enforcer, Shaun Strang, over the robbery. Desperately talking for their lives, they offer to do anything Strang wishes. Watching these events, Michael’s sense of triumph turns to concern as he witnesses Strang bundle Jack into a car. Meanwhile Rebus reports Darryl Christie’s name to his boss, Gill as a person of interest. Rebus is cautioned to keep his distance from Cafferty.

Visiting Jimmy McJagger in hospital, Rebus and his partner Siobhan are shocked to walk in as an attempted murder is unfolding and events spiral. In the attack, Siobhan saves Rebus’s life, but McJagger loses his. They arrest the killer, Jack who stonewalls in his interview, but they do get his address – which Rebus recognises as the flat Michael warned him about.
Rebus questions Kai in his hospital bed about the robbery. Kai says something the robber said that is word-for-word what Rebus once told Michael.

Michael and his former brothers in arms, Neil, Andy and Cammy, receive a proposition from Darryl Christie that is too lucrative to pass up, robbing a shipment of drugs which ends with fatal consequences, as the warehouse guard is killed by Michael.

Rebus goes behind his boss’s back to question Jack again and realises that Michael committed the robbery at the drug dealers’ flat opposite his house.

Gill tells Rebus that she investigated Darryl Christie and discovered that his father’s suicide was investigated by Rebus’s former partner George. Rebus starts to put the jigsaw together and visits George to corroborate the theory he’s formulating and is faced with the reality of George’s corruption.

Siobhan finds evidence linking Shaun Strang to the first attack on Jimmy McJagger, but when Rebus catches her talking to Malcolm Fox (the Professional Standards Officer) he is less trusting.

Rebus leaves his brother a voicemail: he knows what he did. He then looks to assure Cafferty that he’s doing what he wants - he’ll get Christie. But Cafferty says it’s too late.
Unaware of Michael’s latest crime, Rebus confronts him about the incident at the drug dealer’s flat and forces Michael to convince Andy to make a witness statement about the Jimmy McJagger stabbing.

To afford to buy the stolen warehouse drugs from Michael, Darryl approaches Funds Investment Manager Lockie Moncrieffe (Rhona’s husband) for finance. Cafferty is visited by Mathieson and Fowler, two Northern-Irish UDA hitmen who want revenge for the murder of the warehouse guard, their boss’s nephew. Cafferty helps them capture Shaun Strang, who they interrogate for information about Darryl Christie’s deal.

Rebus leaves Andy with Siobhan as he tries in vain to find and arrest Strang. Andy lets slip Cammy and Neil’s names to Siobhan. She begins to investigate their backgrounds.

After Darryl and Michael complete the exchange, Cafferty kidnaps Darryl and recovers his drugs. He has the hitmen follow Michael home, where the friends are due to celebrate their victory with a family BBQ. A worried Chrissie persuades Michael to stash anything incriminating or dangerous away from their family home and Michael agrees to.

Attending a dinner party at Lockie’s house Rebus struggles with Sammy and Rhona’s wealthy lifestyle. On leaving he stops at The Oxford Bar, and later he stumbles home to find Maggie waiting, in a drunken state and sad that he is losing his family, Rebus rebukes Maggie.

While Michael is out, the hitmen attack his house. Andy fights to protect Michael’s wife Chrissie and her sons but he is fatally wounded and the hitmen escape.
Rebus’s boss, Gill arrives with shocking news for Rebus. Together they head to his brother Michael’s house as the investigation into Andy’s murder begins. Michael is missing and Chrissie blames Rebus. At the police station Malcolm Fox suspends Rebus’s investigation over his questionable behaviour involving Cafferty and his brother Michael. Soon afterwards, Maggie calls Rebus - George has committed suicide.

Cafferty convinces the UDA hitmen Mathieson and Fowler to lay low and takes Darryl Christie with him to locate Michael. Once Cafferty learns Michael’s name, he contacts Rebus through Maggie to arrange a meeting. Blaming Cafferty for everything, Rebus prepares to kill him once and for all, but is visited at home by Michael who wants the same thing.

Rebus agrees to set Cafferty up for Michael to kidnap and kill him. Michael offers to repay Rebus somehow, but the only thing Rebus truly wants is his family back.

Darryl escapes and contacts Siobhan revealing the address where Mathieson, Fowler and Strang are in hiding. Siobhan and Gill raid the property to arrest them.

Rebus arrives at the soldier's industrial unit to find Cafferty on his knees at gunpoint, waiting for Michael to kill him.
Now looking to prevent Cafferty’s murder, Rebus plays along with Michael, successfully convincing him to send Neil and Cammy away. When they are alone, he changes tack and attempts to talk Michael down.

Spooked by Rebus’s behaviour, Rhona demands answers from Chrissie. When Chrissie mentions that Michael is going after Cafferty, a worried Rhona calls Rebus’s boss Gill. Lockie meanwhile contacts Darryl to demand an immediate return on his investment, threatening him.

Michael won’t be deterred, and Rebus must deflect Michael’s shot at Cafferty. The near miss causes Cafferty to have a heart attack and Michael seizes the chance to run. Siobhan leads Gill to Cammy’s industrial unit. They arrive in time to find Rebus saving Cafferty’s life.

Michael secretly meets Chrissie. Convinced he owes his brother for helping him all along, Michael wants to turn himself in, but Chrissie tells him he should stay on the run. Meanwhile, Rebus confronts Cafferty and finds Maggie visiting him in hospital. Rebus threatens him to leave her alone, but Cafferty reveals that Michael is a murderer. If Rebus wants to protect his family, he will need to work with Cafferty.

Rebus calls Michael in panic but Chrissie reports that he has gone. Lockie Moncrieffe is assassinated at home on his doorstep by an unknown gunman. Distraught Rhona instinctively contacts Rebus. Reeling, Rebus remembers telling Michael he wanted his family back – could Michael be the gunman and has he killed Lockie?


Delivery Jan 2024


Drama / Crime




6 x 45’ (S1)

Directed by

Niall MacCormick (Complicit, The Victim, Wallander)
Fiona Walton (Shetland, Annika)


Gregory Burke (Entebbe, ’71)

Production Company

Eleventh Hour Films

Executive Producers

Paula Cuddy
Jill Green
Eve Gutierrez

Tomas Axelsson
Isabelle Hultén

Gregory Burke
Ian Rankin